The Open Book stands for knowledge which is imparted to millions of people. It is a symbol of enlightenment of mind and intellect. The Lighted Candle signifies the Wisdom of God, for it is God who gives knowledge, understanding and insight. One has to strive for it with all earnestness and sincerity and endeavour to radiate this light to every corner of the world. Let us march forward, to a world of enlightenment, where, every human being enjoys perfect peace, joy and concord. Let us put all our efforts to lit the light of knowledge and thus create an enlightened society where there is no discrimination on account of caste, colour or creed. It is a brave new world where everyone will feel and experience true love, fraternity and prosperity. “My idea of education is to bring out the creativity of the individual. When creativity and righteousness blend, we will have enlightened citizens who will be brave in facing the challenges of life.” (A.P.J. Kalam)
Through earnest prayer and dedicated work, the members of Carmel family strive hard to educate students to realize their divine identity and hidden potential, so that through their efficient, excellent, value based and committed life, they become a blessing to their families, to our nation and to the world at large, to contribute generously for the progress and transformation of mankind and thus to attain self transcendence.
Every child is a gift of God, endowed with the spark of divinity, and immense hidden potential, to attain self actualization, and to make this world a better place to live in.
1. To provide an atmosphere conducive to Total Quality Development of Students.
2. To develop efficiency, effectiveness and excellence in different branches of knowledge and skills.
3. To implant personal values of responsibility, love, honesty, justice, gratitude, tolerance and compassion.
4. To promote peace, harmony and a spirit of brotherhood, transcending religious, linguistic and regional barriers.
5. To inculcate positive values with emphasis on respect for human life, dignity of women, social sensitivity and concern for protection of biodiversity.
6. To empower students to attain success and happiness through intellectual excellence, spiritual and emotional maturity and enlightenment.
7. To instil in the students the spirit of true patriotism, social sensitivity and a desire for nation building.